08 November 2008

Not filibuster-proof

This year was the first time I voted in a primary election. I’ve always considered myself an independent, so I figured the primaries were none of my business. I don’t think I’ve ever voted for a Republican for a federal office, though.

I even attended my district Democratic caucus this year.

While it may now say “Democrat” on my voter registration card, I’m glad the Dems didn’t get a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. While I’m very happy that Obama won, I can’t say I’m terribly comfortable with the Dems also having majorities in both houses of Congress.

But then, I’m weird. I think gridlock is a good thing.


Max said...

My dad often says something similar, about not wanting either party to have its way entirely. Tend to agree. Gridlock forces compromise, and maybe stymies the worst excesses of either party.

(This year he and I parted ways on the subject of Ron Paul though, that's for sure.)

Craig Weeks said...

You and Max are right on about gridlock and excesses. It is the way of the human heart. The founders knew it all too well and built a certain amount of gridlock into the system. In polite company we call it "checks and balances".

One unfortunate form of gridlock that has wormed its way into the system is career politicians. But there's no one to blame but an electorate that often is not really paying attention ... or feeding at the trough themselves. I understand the argument in favor of term limits, but I'm just not quite ready to go there yet ... more on principle, though, than any misgivings about any negative consequences such limits would bring.